Uncanny X-Force #1 Review
I really hope that Rob Liefeld isn’t getting paid for that title still… that being said X-Force re-launched with the moniker of “Uncanny” this month. I’m not sure why the last volume of X-Force was cancelled and re-launched, but I can assume that the whole zombie-rip-off-Blackest-Night-thing didn’t boost the sales like they wanted forcing another re-launch of the series.
Off the bat this series has the writing of Rick Remender going for it. Remender’s most recent writing work being The Last Days of American Crime, a title from Radical Comics that was very good (9.5 good!). The issue begins with everyone’s favorite character Deadpool talking to himself as he infiltrates an underground temple of sorts. He has on what’s become the standard X-Force costume of Black and Silver, which makes him stick out like a sore thumb in the well lite temple.