Barry Allen is Back? The Dastardly Death of the Rogues Hardcover
If you check your local bookstore this month, you might find the frantic adventures of resurrected speedster Barry Allen in the collected edition of The Flash-
“The Dastardly Death of the Rogues.” This book contains issues one
through seven of the Flash’s monthly and secret origin special. Written
by Geoff Johns and drawn by Francis Manapul, with a back up drawn by
Scott Kolins. Now Johns is no stranger to The Flash as he and
Kolins did a fantastic run on that title during the Wally West mantle.
During that previous run, Flash’s Rogues were updated and organized. The
Rogues were revitalized, almost becoming more interesting than the hero
himself and to some point they also worked as a type of supporting cast
to that title. After Johns’ departure from the title, so were the Rogues
to an extent. Now Johns is back and with him are the Rogues. This time
around with Barry Allen, the original Silver Age Flash. But what has
changed? Five different Flashes? Is this CSI Flash? Do I have to worry
about all this continuity mess?