Last Mortal #1 – Advanced Review
loser and petty thief, racked with the death of his only friend, Brian,
Alec contemplates suicide in an abandoned warehouse
along the pier in Philadelphia. He reflects in his loss as tears run
down his
face and a pistol tightens in his hand. As his thoughts race back to
he puts the gun under his chin and pulls the trigger.
Yesterday, after running the gambit of small-time hustling
to get some money for food (hot dogs), he meets up with Brian on the Philadelphia
pier where he lives. Alec finds his friend fresh off an ass beating that he received
from his fixer for skimming off the top. So to make things right, Brian tells
Alec that they have to kill a local politician by the name of Callahan. Alec is
against the idea but Brian tells him that he’s backed into a corner and he has
no choice. As a further guilt trip to
Alec, Brian reminds him that he has shot a man before. Reluctantly, Alec agrees
to help his friend out.