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Comic Uno Episode 239 (Hunt for Wolverine #1, The Mighty Thor #706, and More)
April 29, 2018 | Comic Reviews
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Comic Uno Episode 238 (Action Comics #1000, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26)
April 25, 2018 | Comic Reviews
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Comic Uno Episode 235 (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, #25, Dark Nights Metal #6, and More)
April 2, 2018 | Comic Reviews
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Comic Uno Episode 234 (The Mighty Thor #705, Go Go Power Rangers #8, and More)
March 26, 2018 | Comic Reviews
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Comic Uno Episode 233 (The New Mutants Dead Souls #1, Eternity Girl #1, and More)
March 20, 2018 | Comic Reviews

Comic Reviews

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Last Mortal #1 – Advanced Review

loser and petty thief, racked with the death of his only friend, Brian,
Alec contemplates suicide in an abandoned warehouse
along the pier in Philadelphia. He reflects in his loss as tears run
down his
face and a pistol tightens in his hand. As his thoughts race back to
he puts the gun under his chin and pulls the trigger.

Yesterday, after running the gambit of small-time hustling
to get some money for food (hot dogs), he meets up with Brian on the Philadelphia
pier where he lives. Alec finds his friend fresh off an ass beating that he received
from his fixer for skimming off the top. So to make things right, Brian tells
Alec that they have to kill a local politician by the name of Callahan. Alec is
against the idea but Brian tells him that he’s backed into a corner and he has
no choice. As a further guilt trip to
Alec, Brian reminds him that he has shot a man before. Reluctantly, Alec agrees
to help his friend out.

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Moon Knight #1 – Review

This is probably one of the most disappointing first issues I’ve ever read. If there’s two creators you don’t expect to “phone” it in, it’s Bendis and Maleev when they’re working together. Nothing about this book is interesting and frankly if you’ve read anything that had Moon Knight appear in it in the last several months you’ll be left scratching you’re head on how this fits in with anything in the Marvel U.

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Danity Kane #1 – Review

If there’s one thing Earth is good for its secret wars between alien races. As weird as it sounds that’s kind of what Danity Kane is about. The issue begins with a man watching over a concert from a female singer by the name of Illuminati which is a very ironic name. The female singer is using her powers to make the audience mindless slaves so that the aliens can then put the human race to work on building weapons for their war. He’s interrupted by his goons who discover a power source of the rebel aliens fighting against them. They investigate the power source and find two rebels summoning Danity Kane to earth to sway the outcome of the war. One of the men is gunned down instantly and that unleashes Danity Kane’s power. She nullifies the goons and then looks to go head on against the man in charge.

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Brody’s Ghost – Book One Review

Brody’s Ghost is a manga inspired teen to young adult graphic novel published by Dark Horse Books and written and drawn by creator Mark Crilley. The series is set in the not so distant future and has a boarder-line apocalyptic feel to it. Our main character Brody wakes up one day in his dump of an apartment and heads out to the streets to beg for money while playing his guitar. After a while he notices a girl staring at him from a parked van. Brody being the goof ball that he is decides that it’s a staring competition and returns the glare. After a while the girl looks away and Brody has his first and only victory of the day.

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B.P.R.D. – The Dead Remembered #2 – Review

This issue continues right where the first issue left off; Elizabeth and Teddy running away from a bleeding ghost hanging from a tree. They make it back to the priest’s cabin and Elizabeth begins freaking out and telling the Professor and everyone else about what they saw. Teddy denies that he saw anything which doesn’t help the concerned looks she’s receiving from the Professor. Eventually she calms down and the Professor excuses them for the day.

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Netherworld #1 – Duel Review

We’re trying something a little different with this review. Rather than us tell you what it’s about were just going to let Top Cow do that for us. Then we’ll give our opinions on the book and a group score for issue. That way you get two different views on the book. Keep in mind we each wrote our review without looking at the others so some of the info may repeat. In the meantime here’s what Netherworld #1 is all about!

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B.P.R.D. – The Dead Remembered #1 – Review

In this flash back tale we’re introduced to a young Elizabeth that’s taken out into the field for the first time. They’re investigating a haunting from a dead “suspected witch” that’s tormenting a priest. It takes some strong convincing from Hellboy before the Professor will agree to take her and even then he has to pull at his heart strings to get him to take her. Elizabeth is actually less than thrilled to go on the trip and even less thrilled that she’s being taken to see a priest.

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Mouse Guard: The Black Axe #2 – Review

The search for the Black Axe continues as Em and Celanawe recruit a captain of a boat to take them to the next shore which is further than most are willing to travel. Celanawe tricks the young captain into doing so by making the challenge public and a way for the captain to prove himself to the pirate-esc guild. They begin their travel and soon begin to run out of food and water. Em and Celanawe continue to operate in secret as Em explains how the axe ended up so far away to begin with. It seems her brother was the last mouse put in charge of it and something drove him to take the axe far away. Just as they begin to become desperate a storm hits and sinks the ship throwing all three mice into the ocean.

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Fear Itself #1 – Review

I like Matt Fraction on certain titles. I’m not a fan of Casanova, but I love his Iron Man. His run on Thor has been less than appealing as it’s undone all the work and storylines that came before it. The reason control+z was applied to Thor? For this storyline. Odin has returned after being trapped in a purgatory/hell, Loki has returned after being dead for like a minute and all because Thor missed his family. Since then it’s been shown that Loki had planned to come back and wants to reinvent himself out of boredom. Odin, who didn’t want to come back, has been pissed off ever since.

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Detective Comics #875 – Review

The smartest thing DC’s done since Greg Rucka left Detective Comics was putting Scott Snyder on the book. Snyder is of course the shiny new thing at DC with his hit series American Vampire from Vertigo. His run on Detective has been very interesting as it continues to focus onDick Grayson or “Gotham’s Batman” and number one super cop Jim Gordon.

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