Batman: The Dark Knight #1 – Review
If you’re looking for nothing new, Batman: The Dark Knight will heavily supply you with overused ideas that everyone has seen before in a Batman comic. This issue starts the series off to an okay note, but is easily overshadowed by the awesomeness that is Batman #1. The only thing this issue does manage to do better at times is the great artwork from David Finch, who manages to draw beautiful women and Arkham’s deadly inmates well.
Writer Paul Jenkins begins Batman: The Dark Knight with Bruce Wayne making a speech about how we cannot let fear affect us. Bruce then gets into a heated argument with internal affairs officer Forbes. Their dispute is quickly broken up by the beautiful (and undoubtedly newest addition to Bruce’s long list of love interests) Jai Hudson. But Bruce’s time with her is cut short when he has to rush to Arkham and stop the inmates from escaping, which includes a very changed Two-Face.