How will DC celebrate their one-year anniversary for the New 52 in September?
Can you believe that the New 52 is going to celebrate its one-year anniversary in September 2012, but how will Dc celebrate it?
Can you believe that the New 52 is going to celebrate its one-year anniversary in September 2012, but how will Dc celebrate it?
Powers is about to go from NYPD Blue to X-Files as Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming relaunch their creator-owned series with a new title — Powers FBI.
Are you ready for Night of the Owls? After you read these quotes from the creative team, you will be!
He’s the purple Avenger with a first name you really shouldn’t print in all capital letters, and he’s about to star in his own ongoing series from two-thirds of the creators of Immortal Iron Fist. Hawkeye by Matt Fraction and David Aja is coming.
Back when Marvel launched the Ultimate universe (known to many as 1610) they were asked if there would be a crossover with the regular Marvel universe (aka 616). Marvel replied that when they did that they would officially be out of ideas
Help Scott Amundon (Barbarian) and Joie Simmons (Milt) back their newest comic, KRAK at Kickstarter.
Papercutz is realeasing a Power Rangers Graphic Novel. Will you guys be buying it?
DC Comics announces the return of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe as a six issue limited series this July by James Robinson and Philip Tan. I was actually just kidding earlier this year about wanting a He-Man comic.
Avengers Vs. X-Men breaks DC’s top ten winning streak on the charts, giving Marvel the both the best and the second best selling issues for the month of March. DC holds onto most of the top ten, but is this the beginning of the end of DC’s reign at the top?
The mini series Drusilla is going to be delayed. The series was going to spin out directly from the pages of the current series “Angel and Faith”.