Celebrating ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Day
Who doesn’t like a free comic book? And of Batman no less! Maybe when it’s only the first chapter coming out a month after the original graphic novel.
Who doesn’t like a free comic book? And of Batman no less! Maybe when it’s only the first chapter coming out a month after the original graphic novel.
Frank Castle teaches Rachel Cole-Alves how to be a Punisher while Greg Rucka and Marco Checchetto teach everyone how a Punisher book is done.
Real men don’t cry. There’s just stuff in my eyes. Tragic stuff from a world in which Ed Brubaker no longer writes Captain America.
What covers will you choose for Justice League issue 11?
Get on Comic Book Men and enjoy a comic book convention in Meadowlands while your at it!
Twenty years in the making, Black Kiss II is here! Will you be kissed?
Batman is finally coming to Smallville, and Stephanie Brown is finally returning to comics.
Robert Kirkman continues building on the success of The Walking Dead – Thief of Thieves, his latest series, gets a fifth reprinting of issue #1
Of course it’s the Riddler! But it’s not Johnny Depp who they wanted to wear the question-marked hat in Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises.
Yeah, yeah. So Alan Scott is gay. What we should really be talking about in this issue is how ugly Jay Garrick’s new helmet and costume are.