Action Lab’s Princeless and other Comics on comiXology
Action Lab Entertainment is a great comic book company with three time award-winning title like Princeless. And now you can get their comics on comiXology!
Action Lab Entertainment is a great comic book company with three time award-winning title like Princeless. And now you can get their comics on comiXology!
Image Comics creators will be at the Thought Bubble Comic Convention in a couple of days in Leeds, England. Find out more about what they will be doing there here.
There have been some speculations that the Young Justice televsion show is going to get cancelled. Is the cancellation of the comic book a sign of the televsion show getting cancelled next?
There’s more to Fearless Defenders than being a new all-female book. It actually has a good premise
One of The Flash’s greatest foes returns to the New 52: The Reverse-Flash! What secrets does the Reverse-Flash bring with him? And what other surprises are in store for the Scarlet Speedster? Read on to find out!
DC announces another upcoming New 52 title. John Constantine becomes another Vertigo character to get his own series in the New 52.
Todd McFarlane’s 400 page biography is coming out. Find out more about the iconic Image Comics and Spawn creator’s life, opinions and his dabbling in other mediums like film, animation, music videos and toys. Just make sure you have enough money to put down for this holiday “treat” and are a dedicated MacFarlane fan.
Geoff Johns’ Justice League of America hits stands next year, but not without some big surprises in store for readers! Also: the reveal of two brand new titles! And – Green Arrow gets a new creative team! Read on to find out more!
Is Marvel promising more X-Men in February and… something without fear from Cullen Bunn? Sure is.
Stephanie Brown has seemed to be “toxic” to comic books since the New 52 started… much to my chagrin since I love the former Batgirl. Finally, after over a year of avoiding the issue, the co-publisher of DC Comics Dan Didio finally talks about Stephanie Brown, and other faces that have been missing from the New 52 like Donna Troy and Wally West. Is there any hope to us seeing these characters ever again? Find out here.