BOOM! Studios to Release Clive Barker’s New Comic ‘Next Testament’
Horror icon Clive Barker has an original comic book on the way. Titled Next Testament, the book promises an exploration of religious themes through the lens of horror fantasy.
Horror icon Clive Barker has an original comic book on the way. Titled Next Testament, the book promises an exploration of religious themes through the lens of horror fantasy.
Tony Stark’s secret origin just grabbed my interest. How could I resist Ocean’s Eleven with superheroes?
Greg Pak and Takeshi Miyazawa have created a Kickster for a comic based on the songs of musician Jonathan Coulton called Code Monkey Saves the World. The comic is a limited run now but the universe may be expanded upon in the future.
“Image Firsts” are $1 reprint of the first issues of some of Image Comics most popular comics. What six new titles are in store for newcomers to the Image line? Enjoy murder, garbage and all-ages fun spread across Bedlam, Great Pacific, Mind the Gap, Morning Glories, Peter Panzerfaust and Super Dinosaur.
The post-Ultron Marvel Universe looks… kind of the same. Oh well. Time to start Infinity!
Every Septmber DC comics has a special event for their anniversary. What will they be doing for September 2013?
MonkeyBrain is a digital-comics-first publisher that is finally bringing some of it’s books to print. Find out which titles we’ll finally see on shelves and which companies are publishing them here. Yes, they’ve not being published by MonkeyBrain. Clever move? Possibly.
Trinity War begins! John Stewart is on a cover! Scott Lobdell is Superman! These exclamation points are unwarranted!
Trinity War has arrived! DC Comics’ crossover event of the year has finally been announced! What surprises are in store? Read on to find out more.
Marvel announces two new Spider-Man titles. What do you think these series are going to be about?