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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Donny Cates
April 13, 2019 | Comic Features
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WonderCon 2019: Spotlight on Tom King
April 6, 2019 | Comic Features
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Top 10 Female Super Villains
January 27, 2019 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artist Greg Capullo
November 14, 2018 | Comic Features
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L.A. Comic Con: Conversation with Comic Artists Ryan Stegman and Chris Burnham
November 7, 2018 | Comic Features

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How I Learned to Love My Digital Wednesday

Hello, digital friends and welcome to the app age of comics. A wonderful digitized way to rediscover your wednesday fix. If your a comic downloader like me, go to the DC comixology app and check out Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight. A fantastic anthology series of Batman’s first few years. This legendary series spawned the award winning classic The Long Halloween, (due to the Halloween specials for this series). Indirectly gave birth to Batman black and white and is responsible for numerous origin retellings of classic villains and heroes alike, that many are consider canon to the current books.

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Three Villains You Love to Read in Comics

Villians are what make any book, movie, video game, comic
book, and TV show great.  We love to hate
them and in some cases we love to root for them.  Without these adversaries our stories would
be bland and uninteresting, and without any villains our favorite heros would
be out of a job. Everyone will have there personal favorites, but today, I am
going to tackle what I think are three good villains to read in comic books.

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Character Affinity: Marrina

Marrina Smallwood is a yellow-skinned woman that was a member of the alien race known as the Plodex. She is also a member of Alpha Flight. She has many aquatic abilities and managed to capture the heart of the Sub-Mariner. The Plodex were an alien race obsessed with dominating every planet. To dominate these planets the Plodex would send their eggs to their designated target – in Marrina’s case, her designated target was a little planet called Earth. When Marrina’s egg was discovered after being underwater for 40,000 years by local fisherman Thomas Smallwood, Marrina’s egg hatched. The egg had come into contact with Thomas’ wife Gladys beforehand and the creature that hatched from the egg took on the combined traits of the underwater habitat it had lived in and Gladys’ feminine genes. The result: Marrina. Gladys and Thomas adopted Marrina and raised her like a daughter along with their son Dan. Dan fell in love with Marrina but never told her and was left in disarray when he heard Marrina left for Atlantis with Namor, better known as the Sub-Mariner.

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Talking Genecy with Gerald Cooper

One of our many goals at PAC (that’s Player Affinity Comics) is to reach out and talk to inspiring creators in the comic industry. If you’re not familiar with Kickstarter it’s a system that allows people to fund projects of all types. What’s happening more and more is that comic creators are going to Kickstarter to fund their books. I had a chance to do some Q&A with Gerald Cooper the creator/writer of Genecy, you remember that first issue we reviewed on the site? If you’d like to see more of Genecy then swing by the Kickstarter page (link below) and check out what they’re offering to their backers. Without further ado here’s my interview with Gerald.

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And The Next Movie Is… Invincible!

Admittedly the last
decade has really been the decade of the comic book for movies. X-Men
quadrilogy, Spider-Man trilogy, the last two Blade movies, the two
Fantastic Four Movies, Christopher Nolan’s re imagining of Batman,
just to name a few. This year alone has a number of comic book movies
coming out with Green Lantern, Captain America and two franchise
reboots to mention the main ones. Whether this is just a phase or not
does not really bother me as I just enjoy them anyways. Well now I am
going to talk about which comic book character I believe should have
his own movie and that character is Robert Kirkman’s Invincible.

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c2e2 2011 – Day 2

Here we are at the end of day two, currently we’re watching Kill Bill volume 2 the worst of the two movies. Our day began with a light breakfast from the bakery at the convention center, the food was great but they had the cajones to try and charge 6 dollars for a bottle of juice! After that we jetted to the DC universe panel which you can read about here. The panel was definitely less exciting then the DC nation panel which we recapped in our day one coverage. There was one juicy bit of info we picked up on that you’re sure to figure out if you read the comments section.

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c2e2 – Talking 27 with Charles Soule

While at c2e2 I had the chance to meet Charles Soule the writer/creator of 27. You know that book that we reviewed so highly. If you need a refresher then start here and then move forward. I asked Charles about the second series which was originally slated for a July release and he was very open with answers about the next volume in the series. Whereas the covers for the first series were all members of the 27 club, ie Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix etc. The second series covers will all be one hit wonders covers. The first and probably the most notable being Vanilla Ice. That’s what the second series is going to focus on is William Garland not being a one hit wonder. I asked if he was in deed going to hit the button again and the answer was of course yes. What Charles said though, was the situation he’s put into to make him hit the button and what he does with the creative power that is ultimately interesting.

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c2e2 – Dynamite Entertainment Panel

The big news from the panel was that Dynamite will be adapting another Kevin Smith script into a comic. The couldn’t confirm or deny it, but they did say that it was basically going to be the Bionic Man. Phil Hester will be working on it again and will basically be the reason that the book comes out on time. They also will be adapting Flash Gordon into a comic and will take everything that is good with the character and go from there and will be ignoring the movie and TV show. Also Dynamite acquired Chaos! Comics and they will be launching with Evil Ernie as their first series. The floor basically was opened to questions and the remainder of the article will be just that the questions. Will Vampirella be seen in her original costume? You will see Vampirella in her original costume by the end of issue 6. Love the pants. Several jokes about how Dynamite keeps the pants off.


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c2e2 – Avatar Press Q&A

At the panel they talked about Caligula #1 premiering at c2e2, which is written by David Lapham. The art is all painted and very different looking from a typical Avatar book. They equated it to Rome or Deadwood, but way more hardcore. Lapham (absent from the panel) just finished up work on Crossed Psychopath which just launched a few weeks ago. Crossed as a whole has been an insane success for Avatar. The first volume is their bestselling trade ever. After Psychopath wraps up the Crossed ongoing series will be launching called Crossed: Badlands. It will reunite the original team of Crossed and then will move on to a different creative team. Crossed: New York or Crossed 3D will be out on April 20th. It’s been delayed due to the 3D effects. They promised they’ll be the best 3D effects ever seen in comics.

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c2e2 – DC Universe Panel

Here we are on the second day with our first panel DC Universe. There was a bunch of DC all-stars assembled ranging from Scott Snyder, Brian Azzarello to Gail Simone. As far as announcements went… there wasn’t much since Flashpoint is so close and of course DC isn’t going to reveal anything. It was revealed that Scott Snyder and Gene Ha are working on the Superman Flashpoint mini titled Project S and that it will begin with Metropolis having a very bad day as baby S’s ship brings a ton of Krypton rubble with it. Brian Azzarello is also working on a title and said it was his first cross-over event and that usually he doesn’t do them because he hates them, but then went on to say that this event really will change everything in DC and reaffirmed it with a very loud “Goddamnit!” He also said that you don’t need to buy all of the Flashpoint tie-ins but that you’re an idiot if you don’t since it’s going to be some great stuff. Bob Wayne Sales VP encouraged his statement.

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