Manga 101 – Seinen Studies Part 1
in Manga 101 we learned about a few series that are great to get
started with. These series all fall into what is considered “shonen,” a
genre that is primarily targeted towards adolescent boys. Of course,
that does not keep them from kicking ass, but for those looking for
something that aims at an older demographic we have “seinen” manga.
Seinen manga tends to take a greater shift towards realism in its art
and themes in an effort to appeal to an older audience. Sometimes this
means that the violence and sexuality is more graphic, sometimes it
means that the plot and characters are genuinely more mature, but most
of the time it just means that the violence and sexuality is more
graphic. In the end, though, young or old, full frontal or just a bit of
fan service, all that really matters is whether or not it’s a good
comic. Here are a few that are: