Top Ten Worst Comic Book Covers of 2011
What constitutes a bad comic book cover? The better question for this year is: what doesn’t? After having a slew of great covers, there are still a ton of bad ones. In this feature, a continuation of my Top Ten Worst Covers of 2010 feature, I pick the top ten worst covers of 2011 based on their simplicity or poor artistry… and it has gotten worse since last year.
10. Ultimate Captain America #1: I had to do a double-take at seeing Captain America brandishing a huge gun, but this is the Ultimate universe. But even after that off-putting though, Captain America is drawn very stiff with little emotion on his face and the classically done-to-death for no good reason closed eyes. Admittedly, the background is nice. I like the patriotic imagery and the setting sunset behind Captain America. But the most important element of the cover should be the title character, and he does everything but look good.