Turn off the Lights

Chuck: Chuck vs. The Pink Slip

Chuck spends six months in Prague training to become a real spy. Sarah asks Chuck to run a way with her. Emmet has turned the Buy More into a military zone complete with drone employees. Chuck gets canned from the spy game.

Well its been quite a unhealthy long time with no fix of Chuck. So I must admit I am probably looking at this thru rose colored glasses. I was expecting Awesome. Not so much, but it is Chuck and I'm happy for the return.

This new Chuck needs to get a handle on himself. I think he was cooler under fire before the Intersect 2.0 was downloaded. His feelings are way out of whack and I guess that's what we will be dealing with this third season of Chuck. The Intersect will not function when he is distracted or not focusing on the dangers in hand which could make things even more dangerous considering the expectations they have for him. In a lot of ways Sarah is as much to blame as Chuck for the situation. We'll see how they deal with this as the season progresses.

Still a superior show to the majority of television being shown today. It seems that they have kept all but one of the characters intact from the cast last year. I had heard reports that there were going to be quite a few less starring characters. I actually think it has stayed pretty static. I will say Adam Baldwin as Casey is still tremendous as the third wheel and he manages to keep things moving along despite the problems that Chuck and Sarah continue to cause. Chuck is back and with the Leno deal occurring and decent numbers for Monday's showings we should see Chuck for a number of additional seasons. I'm just happy the series is back for now. Great Hyundai commercials interspersed throughout the episode by the way. I thought for a second that the first one was part of the episode!?! I am also wondering if they are going to get the Subway sandwich promos in the show this season as well? It's great to have Chuck back and I give him a gracious thumbs up for the first episode. Thanks for reading...

Jeffery Yarter
The Lizardman


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