Turn off the Lights

c2e2 – Talking 27 with Charles Soule

While at c2e2 I had the chance to meet Charles Soule the writer/creator of 27. You know that book that we reviewed so highly. If you need a refresher then start here and then move forward. I asked Charles about the second series which was originally slated for a July release and he was very open with answers about the next volume in the series. Whereas the covers for the first series were all members of the 27 club, ie Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix etc. The second series covers will all be one hit wonders covers. The first and probably the most notable being Vanilla Ice. That’s what the second series is going to focus on is William Garland not being a one hit wonder. I asked if he was in deed going to hit the button again and the answer was of course yes. What Charles said though, was the situation he’s put into to make him hit the button and what he does with the creative power that is ultimately interesting.

Strong ManDue to Shadowline’s schedule the second series actually has been pushed back to what’s looking like September instead of its original July release. But work has already begun on the second series. With the first series Charles also let me know about the trade paperback coming out in June. The trade will have an all new back story that is only available in the trade; unless of course you’re me and you already had a chance to read it. Honestly part of me wants to spoil the hell out of it and take all about it, but the other half of me really wants people to pick it up and be surprised. I will say that it involves a blue musician and crossroads. The story is very, very good and totally on par and fitting with the main story. Something else that readers may not know about is the contest running throughout the first series. Hidden on pages with multiples of nine are music chords. The chords tell you basically what to do next and let me tell you the prize is cool so figure it out soon or Charles is going to reveal it in the trade!

Sitting on Charles’ table in artist alley was a trade paperback for Strong Man and I found out about that book as well. Again the concept is great as it stars a 70’s Luchadore wrestler that is over the hill and living in New York. He stills wears the mask every day though even though he’s washed up. Then one day he shakes it off and realizes he’s not going to go out like this and decides to fight crime in his neighborhood. Charles said that the story is full of ups and downs, but that the ending is really up lifting. You can expect a review once I swing back around to pick up my copy.


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