Bomomo – Best Chrome Web Store App of the Day
By: | Uncategorized | February 18, 2011
For those unfamilar with Chrome, it is Googles web browser and frankly it's awesome. In fact I'm using it to post this article right now. Some time ago Google opened their own Web Store which is basically apps for you're web browser... your Chrome web browser. Tons of these apps are free and several of them are time killing games that you can pop up without any further install and play. Also if you sync you're browser with your Google account you can load up all of your same settings, bookmarks and apps on multiple computers with zero hassel. While fiddling around in the Web Store I came across Bomomo which was labeled as a game at the time and has since moved to Utilites. Bomomo is the best waste of your time. Simply drag your cursuor over the canvas and watch as it swaying design colors the page. There are different "brushes" to choose from to create your modern masterpiece.What's I found great about it was how relaxing it was. At first you'll think, "This is it? Okay I'm done." But if you give it a minute you'll find just how much fun and how many variations you can do with it. There's really no practicality to it, it's just fun to kill five minutes painting a canvas and layer brush upon brush. Again if you have Chrome I highly recommend checking it out and killing some time relaxing to it, just becareful since I found myself wasting almost an hour playing with Bomomo. Of course it was an hour well spent in my opinion. You can download it from the Chrome Web Store here.It's so pretty!