Bioware and Sega Hacked
The onslaught of hacking in the gaming industry continues, with both Bioware and Sega being infiltrated by hackers. The information compromised for both of these companies was once again personal information found on their respective websites.
In Sega's case, the publisher discovered that their Sega Pass database had suffered an unauthorized entry on June 16th. The information of "a subset of Sega Pass members" was taken, including email addresses, date of births, and encrypted passwords. Sega apologized for the security breach, and advised those who use multiple site accounts with the same password to change their passwords immediately. Sega Pass is currently down due to the breach, with a note telling visitors "SEGA Pass is going through some improvements so is currently unavailable for new members to join or existing members to modify their details including resetting passwords. Thank you for your paitence. We hope to be back up and running very soon." When Sega Pass returns, it will require existing members to change their passwords.

Electronic Arts confirmed on June 16th that 18,000 accounts on the Neverwinter Nights forums were compromised. Electronic Arts learned about this "highly sophisticated and unlawful cyber attack," early last week. EA characterized this breach of security as "extremely limited" saying that only a small percentage of accounts were impacted. The information exposed included email addresses, date of births, passwords, and countries. Older Bioware legacy accounts were disabled entirely, while newer EA accounts now require existing members to change their passwords before accessing the site again. EA has not stated who was responsible for the attack, since they most likely don't know who it was. Perhaps it was Lulzsec, the group of hackers responsible for every other hack-attack as of late?
At this point, it's less a question of who's been hacked, and more about who hasn't, and who will be next.