Battlefield 3 Open Beta Coming Soon to PSN
Tommy Rydling from
DICE announced on the
Official PlayStation Blog that the Battlefield 3 open beta will be available to gamers on September 29th and will run until October 10th. As a special bonus, customers that have redeemed a Medal of Honor: Limited Edition or Tier 1 Edition Online Pass will receive access to the beta early on September 27th through a direct email invitation.

The beta will feature the multiplayer map Operation Métro which was originally shown off at E3. Since it is a beta, DICE is extremely interested in receiving player feedback. Any bugs, problems or suggestions you have can be reported back to the developer so that they can fine tune the game before its official release.

DICE also announced that the first expansion pack would be available on PSN first. Battlefield 3: Back to Karkand will debut on the PSN one week early. Thanks Sony! But that's not all. PSN subscribers will be treated to early access on all subsequent Battlefield 3 expansion packs. This is pretty exciting news for PlayStation consumers since historically, the 360 gets the timed exclusives. The Back to Karkand expansion will feature 4 of the most popular maps from Battlefield 2. The maps have been gloriously recreated and reimagined with the Frostbite2 engine. The expansion will also include new vehicles, weapons, unique in-game dog tags, new persistence and trophies.