With the new year beginning today, DC Comics has a special present for their readers. Today, and only today, DC Comics will be allowing any readers that have internet connection, iPod, iPhone, computer, or iPad to be allowed to download Batman comics from #600-700. Anyone that has the DC Comics app or the Comixology app can buy many of their favorite comics ranging from the comic issues mentioned previously. For those who don't have an iPod, iPhone or iPad can buy and read it on their home computer (no Mac needed to read these comics).
Today is a good day for DC fans. As DC is only letting readers to buy Batman comics starting from #600-700, that's a really good deal. Especially when you can buy each issue or separate issues for only $.99! That's a really good deal. If you add that all up together (from issue 600 to 700) it would cost for ALL to be $99 or just round it up to $100. While I don't think anyone would do that (probably just me), I would still enjoy picking some of the good comics that came before and after issue 700 of Batman. Story arcs that you might know and have read countless times are, Batman R.I.P. which had Bruce Wayne fighting against Dr. Simon Hurt, Batman Son has Bruce Wayne meeting and taking care of his brat son Damian Wayne, Broken City which is more of a dark detective story about a murder, and Hush a story arc that has Batman fighting against his childhood friend.
I only mentioned five story arcs, but there are much more. You have the choice to pick them up either on your idevice (iphone, ipad, ipod) or on your home computer. And if your not interested in any of the five story arcs I mentioned or the other story arcs seen, then just read Batman #700 the anniversary issue. Remember this is only a one time offer that last only for today. The time ends at 11 Pm EST (Eastern Standard Time). Update: As Sallas pointed out, we really did need a link ;)
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