Sure, it’ll still 8 months away, but that’s not too early to get excited about the 14th Baltimore Comic-Con! I covered 2012’s Baltimore Comic-Con for Entertainment Fuse (then Player Affinity) and it was a blast! One of the best things about Baltimore Comic-Con is that it’s a much smaller show than the ones in California and New York City so you can get much more intimate with your favorite comic-creators.
And boy will there be a ton of them. Baltimore Comic-Con already has confirmed the following creators: Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, J.M. DeMatteis, Keith Giffen, Kevin Maguire,Mark Buckingham, Dave Gibbons, Adam Hughes, Paul Levitz, George Perez, Walter Simonson, Louise Simonson, Allison Sohn, Frank Cho, Barry Kitson, Mike Mignola,Chris Samnee, and Mark Waid.
Last year I interviewed Mark Waid for this site and it was one of the highlights of the show for me. I was also able to nab a quick interview with Scott Snyder who had an incredibly long line throughout the entire show.
And, of course, there are always the incredible cosplay costumes! People take insane amounts of time to ensure their favorite characters come to life.
This year Baltimore Comic-Con will take place on September 7-8, 2013. If you live nearby, make sure you attend!