Turn off the Lights

B.P.R.D. – The Dead Remembered #2 – Review

This issue continues right where the first issue left off; Elizabeth and Teddy running away from a bleeding ghost hanging from a tree. They make it back to the priest's cabin and Elizabeth begins freaking out and telling the Professor and everyone else about what they saw. Teddy denies that he saw anything which doesn’t help the concerned looks she’s receiving from the Professor. Eventually she calms down and the Professor excuses them for the day.

Later at the hotel Teddy shows up and takes her away. The two run across town together before stopping so Teddy can smoke. She asks him why he didn’t back her up and he tells her that nothing they were going to say was going to convince the adults. As Elizabeth enjoys spending time with someone her own age the Professor heads back to the cabin to finish off the ghost once and for all. We’re then treated to Elizabeth’s shocking past as she opens up to Teddy. She tells him about the day that her powers manifested and she killed her entire family. She leans in to kiss him and he backs away, Elizabeth feels like a monster again and runs away.

BPRD The Dead Remembered 2 coverMignola and Scott Allie continue crafting an interesting story of Elizabeth’s first time out in the world of the B.P.R.D. The development for her character is very interesting as she’s very angry and remorseful for the way her life has turned out. You can’t help but feel sorry for her after what’s she’s gone through, but at the same time be annoyed by the way she talks to people. Allie and Mignola do a good job of making the supporting cast for the issue interesting enough that they don’t feel like fodder, but rather intricate parts of the story.

Artist Karl Moline is a great visual story teller and really captures the emotions of Elizabeth perfectly. The reader need not rely solely on what Elizabeth says as they can see it on her face as well; especially the scene in which she’s expecting to be kissed by Teddy. The pain you see on her face in that moment of rejection is deeply emotional. Moline has a very consistent art style and does a great job of making the conversations throughout the issue interesting by giving them some dimension.

The second issue is definitely better than the first with Elizabeth’s origin fully explained. It’s a heart-wrenching tale that leaves you sober afterwards. The idea that this little girl has to live with the fact that she not only killed her entire family, but all of their friends as well is chilling. This issue shows why B.P.R.D. is not a book to be missed.

Overall Score – 9.0/10
*Great for New Readers, but pick up the First Issue as well*



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