“There's no reason you should not pick up THE AMORY WARS: IN KEEPING SECRETS OF SILENT EARTH: 3 #1 $1 EDITION!,” said BOOM! Studios Marketing Director Chip Mosher. “Shake those piggy banks and scour the couch for loose change, do not pass up the chance to explore the rich and expansive story that only creative masterminds Claudio Sanchez and Peter David can bring. This could very well be the best $1 you'll ever spend!” If you've heard about the ground-breaking The Amory Wars but never had a chance to get into it, the $1 first issue is a great entry point for new readers. Claudio Kilgannon’s adventure of war and rebirth starts here, from Sanchez, Eisner Award-winner Peter David and BATMAN & ROBIN’s Chris Burnham! Hitting the shelves the same month as the second trade paperback!
THE AMORY WARS is the story of Claudio Kilgannon, son of Coheed and Cambria, the subjects of a privately developed anti-terrorist unit. The insidious Supreme Tri-mage Wilhelm Ryan, self-proclaimed ruler of Heaven’s Fence, a network of 78 planets, sets forth to decimate those that could stand in his way, including Coheed, Cambria and their children. Claudio must discover his role in this galactic turmoil and come to terms with his own growth in worlds that are always changing. THE AMORY WARS is the story behind the band Coheed and Cambria’s music, allowing fans to finally unlock the true course of events encrypted in the lyrics since the band first debuted.
THE AMORY WARS: IN KEEPING SECRETS OF SILENT EARTH: 3 #1 $1 EDITION is written by Claudio Sanchez and Peter David with art by Chris Burnham. This title ships in March for the price of only $1 and carries a Diamond Code of JAN111024.
About BOOM! Studios
BOOM! Studios (www.boom-studios.com) 2009 “Best Publisher” of the year, generates a wide-ranging catalog of multiple Eisner and Harvey Award-nominated comic books and graphic novels featuring some of the industry’s top talent, including Philip K. Dick’s DO ANDROIDS DREAM OF ELECTRIC SHEEP?, 20th Century Fox’s 28 DAYS LATER and DIE HARD, The Henson Company’s FARSCAPE, and the original Mark Waid series IRREDEEMABLE. This fall sees BOOM! teaming up with the legendary Stan Lee, creator of Marvel Comics’ characters Spider-Man, The Hulk, and The X-Men for a line of original superhero series, the legend’s first new superhero creations in nearly 20 years. BOOM!’s youth imprint, BOOM Kids!, is an undisputed industry leader publishing Disney/Pixar’s THE INCREDIBLES, CARS, and TOY STORY, as well as Disney’s THE MUPPETS, DONALD DUCK, UNCLE SCROOGE and WALT DISNEY’S COMICS AND STORIES. This year, BOOM! Studios celebrates its fifth anniversary.