Anne Rice’s Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana Second Graphic Novel Adaptation
Anne Rice, acclaimed writer of
The Vampire Chronicles books which featured Lestat, probably the most well-known vampire (next to Dracula, of course). But Anne Rice, after years of atheism, returned to Catholicism after nearly dying from diabetes. She went on to write
Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana, which has just been announced is being turned into its second graphic novelization... but not without some help.
This is the second graphic novel within a series of novels that will feature the Anne Rice story about the early life of Jesus. But this adaptation, like the first, will not be written by Anne Rice. Instead it will be written by Anne Elizabeth, who has written several teen comics including
Pulse of Power and adult romance novels.
The graphic novel will be drawn by Mike S Miller who is the artist for the
Injustice tie-in comic
Injustice: Gods Among Us. Yes, the man responsible for drawing Superman falcon punching Joker's heart out of his chest is the artist for
Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana. He is also the cover artist for R.R. Martin's
A Game of Thrones book.

Anne Rice herself can give you more details about her book and the reasons behind her writing it:
"Though well researched in every historical respect, these novels seek to bring to life for the reader Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and the God who loved us so much that He came to live amongst us for over thirty years before He died for our salvation on the Cross, and rose from the dead.
I offer these novels to all Christians. And I offer them to all those who have ever enjoyed or valued my earlier books. Please understand: they are fiction, but they are fiction that seeks to bring the reader closer to the Lord in whom my life belongs. You will find no watering down of the gospels in these novels. You will find no modern twists. I am a believer in every word of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
I also believe in Christian art --- that we can paint pictures, write music, create great films, and write novels about Jesus and that these efforts can serve Our Blessed Lord.
If these novels of mine do not serve Him, if they are not for Him, then they are worthless.
This is my vocation; this is my life; this is the way in which I hope to render unto God a series of books that honors Him as Our Maker and as Our Savior. I am grateful to all of you who are willing to read these books."

The graphic novel is being funded via a Kickstarter. If enough money is pledged it will be released sometime next year by Sea Lion Books and they're aiming for $48,000 worth of pledges. For $25 you will receive the soft cover edition of the graphic novel and your name will be on the contributor page of the website. For $40 you can get it signed and for $50 you can get the hardcover edition which is a limited exclusive Kickstarter edition of the book. For those of you with rich blood you can pledge $1,000 and get a painting of you or anyone you want standing beside Jesus. I can't guarantee you won't go to hell if you don't back it, but I think you'll be safe after confession if you don't.
You can pledge money for the graphic novel