Attention all manga enthusiasts, this summer¹s most anticipated anime, AM2, manga and music convention this coming 4th of July weekend will be hosting a liquidation sale for the world-famous manga giant, TokyoPop, in its exhibit hall with special discounts made only to Passport holders. More info can be found at
Some of the most popular TokyoPop titles will be made available. Titles will include both English and Japanese mangas, posters, toys, anime and more! Special discounts will be provided for 3-Day Passport holders.
Fans who love manga will be able to take advantage of this amazing liquidation sale at AM2², states Chase Wang AM2 representative, ³AM2 will be the place to be with all the amazing guests of honors, concerts, exhibit hall and other amazing activities for fans and enthusiasts! With five concerts and the price of a Passport being $45.00, that is $9 a concert! Where else can you get a deal like that? Get your Passports today and experience the difference!
Entrance to the event is free, but attendees can avoid the anticipated huge lines at autographs, premiere screenings, workshops, main events, concerts and panels by obtaining a Passport fast pass for the event. The Passport fast pass will also provide holders with premier seating options at Main Events and at Concert events as well as major discounts with theme parks, retailers and local restaurants. Bypass the lines and get your Passport today and experience the difference!