This series is a combination of teenage drama, weird and somewhat interesting characters and more teenage drama. All Nighter feels like the perfect comic for teenage girls and is an oddity on the shelves. Kit is a teenager with normal issues ā school, her crush dating her friend and the murder of her mother by the hitman Kit hired still fresh in her mind. Just a normal teenage life with a few twists thrown in, as well as a new roommate who isolates herself from everyone with a secret.This issue is written and drawn by David Hahn and has even more of a teenage drama feel to it than the first issue. There is also more mystery in the first title, with unfortunately nothing more than a curt mention of Kit's murder of her mother in this issue, a point which was the most fascinating subtle focus of the last issue. This issue makes that point almost non-existent and instead takes the time to put the subtle focus on Kit's new roommate Martha. She still has a lot of mystery to her, with only her timid and anti-social personality revealed until the last page of the issue, introducing a new plot point, leaving the reader confused and curious about Martha's place in the comic.Kit is still an unlikable protagonist that is only redeemed by her relatable boy problems and the mystery surrounding her reasons for killing her mother, the driving factor making me want to keep reading the series, with Martha's past far behind second.Other than Martha and Kit there are way too many characters, most of whose names I can't even remember, with stock personalities. The only other good character is Kit's best friend Sally-O, an even more likable character than Kit, who feels like a real friend and not the stock, backstabbing 'BFF' the usual drama would have.Kit's awkward encounters with her old crush feel very reminiscent of high-school life. But to keep the series from becoming just another realistic story with no punches, the issue has an armed robbery and some more mystery thrown in. The mystery surrounding this well put together drama for the series is the strong point of this title.The artwork fits the story perfectly. It is a punky style in black-and-white that feels just as appropriate here as it did with the last issue. The art is not a masterpiece, but it doesn't need to be to match the tone of the comic. The expressions Hahn puts on his characters are priceless, especially Kit's expression of dumbfounded shock on the last page which had me laughing a bit.It's not a revolutionary title, but is one of the few comic titles specifically catering to teenage girls. The dark turns the comic takes are too few and far between to sway older audiences but will suck teenage girls in with its relatable boy issues. But young teenage audiences will get more of an emotional response with Orange than with this title. But it still deserves a read from teenage girls ā just don't expect to be too impressed, just intrigued.
An all-around nerdette, Iām a comic book connoisseur, horror aficionado, video game addict, anime enthusiast and an aspiring novelist/comic book writer. I am the head of the comic book department and the editor-in-chief of Entertainment Fuse. I also write and edit articles for Comic Frontline. I am also an intern at Action Lab Entertainment, a comic book publisher at which I edit comic book scripts, help work on images in solicitations and help with other comic book related project. My own personal website is