Any Easy Intimacy is an original graphic novel from Jeffrey Brown that opens a window to a relationship in his life. It goes through Jeff’s entire relationship with Sophia. The two meet in college via a friend of friends deal and soon begin hanging out with each other more and more. It gradually becomes a sexual relationship that rockets the two into a sense of intimacy as they talk and open up about each other.
The thing I loved about it was that it’s very real and relatable to anyone that’s been young, dumb and in love. It hits every peak and valley of relationships so eloquently and yet subtly that it’s a true work of art. But that’s where to story hooks you in is that you will remember similar events in your own life, experiences that are practically the same. Maybe the ending to your story turned out different, but either way this is a strong piece of work. Jeff says at the end of the book that time has distorted his memories so the book is more of a work of fiction than anything else.
The art of the story is simple and odd at the same time.
Jeff isn’t going to be picked up by another company due to his amazing art
talent, at least not for the style he’s picked for this book. But he is very
talented and a great visual storyteller. The book isn’t heavy with dialog, but
the emotions are transparent and clear with the art. There are literally dozens
of frames with no dialog and yet the reader can completely understand what’s
going on in the scene.
The book may look thick and awkwardly sized as it’s about half of the size of a Readers Digest, but the decision to do so adds to the interesting experiment of the book. The layout and flow of the book is quick to read and nearly impossible to but down without finishing, and yet has immense re-read value. Any Easy Intimacy is published by Top Shelf Productions and is available on their site. I took a chance on this book picking it up out of the blue and loved it. It was an amazing graphic novel that was powerful and emotional. The greatest feeling I had was when I finished the book and couldn’t believe that I had just read a comic that made me feel so damn much.
Overall Score – 10/10