Anne Hathaway remains the only female confirmed for a part in Tom Hooper’s Les Miserables, even several months after the project was announced. However, that might change very soon, as four young actresses aim to grab a juicy role in the musical.
As reported by Playbill, Scarlett Johansson, Lea Michele, Taylor Swift, and Evan Rachel Wood have auditioned for the part of street urchin Eponine. This character, by the way, belts the signature ballad “On My Own,” which the aforementioned Hathaway performed at this past year’s Oscar ceremony and Michele sang on her hit television series Glee. Michele also had her fair share of experience in stage acting, playing in Les Miserables at the Hollywood Bowl and starring in the Tony Award-winning rock musical Spring Awakening.
But the other actresses aren’t lacking in the musical
department either. Johansson cut an alternative rock album back in 2008, and
Wood led the Beatles-based rock musical Across
the Universe alongside Jim Sturgess. Lastly comes Swift, who is more famous
for her three studio albums, Grammy Awards, and highly attended concerts than
her one screen acting credit in Garry Marshall’s Valentine’s Day.
All four could knock “On My Own” out of the park – that was probably a major part of the audition, if not the only part of the audition. However, something gives me the sense that this is really between Michele and Swift. My personal allegiance would be with Swift, since I’m really curious to see how it’d all work out and, well, let’s just say that her Fearless album was the soundtrack to my freshman year of college.