Apparently Superman has converted back to his attitude from the original Action Comics #1 and has forgotten the other half of his costume. There is a lot of great action in this comic, but it only manages to fulfill the title and nothing else.Grant Morrison takes his turn writing the beginning of this Superman story. Superman has been in the eye of Metropolis for three months. His vigilante ways put him on the wrong side of the road with Lex Luthor and Lois Lane's father hot on his trail. And of course, he must save Lois Lane's life yet again.After Superman's look, his personality is the most blatant and terrible change. He willingly holds a man thousands of feet in the air and threatens to drop him if he doesn't come clean, continually flustering and outright pissing off the law. His personality mirrors his personality in the original Action Comics #1 from 1939. This is a huge step back rather than forward. The Superman we're familiar with is one that would never risk other's lives (even for show) or be on the wrong side of the law purposely. Even if you like this new attitude, all of Superman's dialogue makes him sound like a teenager and not a great reporter at the Daily Planet's rival newspaper. Which is one of the only changes in this comic that I liked.The other was a short scene where Superman is protected by the citizens he just rescued. This is the only time when I felt something good was done with Superman's bad relationship with the police. Lex Luthor's role in this comic was also pretty good, immediately setting him up as a force to be reckoned with. To the point where he makes Superman look bad. The action scenes were always constructed well though.The other problem I have is Rags Morale's artwork. I've already talked about Superman's attire. It's uninspired but does amaze me that Clark Kent somehow found a way to look more like Clark Kent in costume than before. I also did not enjoy the shots just showing Superman's gleaming red eyes. They did what the artist intended – gave Superman an ominous look. But he should not have an ominous look, which kept reminding me of Superboy Prime. Definitely not a point in the book's favor.The writing and art were never bad, just never good enough to enjoy anything going on. Superman's immaturity does not make him feel "Super " – it just makes him feel like a rebellious teenager. It was not a super comic but did accomplish its title. But it should have done more than that. The dialogue was never riveting and all the character designs and colors were never amazingly artistic, though sometimes somewhat fun to look at. It's not what I'm looking for in a series and die hard Superman fans will be disappointed with this series. Newcomers and even haters may get on the bandwagon, but this series has no real target audience that I can pin down. This issue was unnecessary, confusing and I will not be coming back for more – but it is still admittedly an average comic that still had the potential to come out much better than it did.
An all-around nerdette, I’m a comic book connoisseur, horror aficionado, video game addict, anime enthusiast and an aspiring novelist/comic book writer. I am the head of the comic book department and the editor-in-chief of Entertainment Fuse. I also write and edit articles for Comic Frontline. I am also an intern at Action Lab Entertainment, a comic book publisher at which I edit comic book scripts, help work on images in solicitations and help with other comic book related project. My own personal website is