Turn off the Lights

Action Lab Heads Towards the Danger Zone

Action Lab Entertainment is known for all-ages books like the Eisner-nominated Princeless series that I’ve talked about time and again, but the Action Lab is a publisher that wants to dedicate itself to publishing not only books your children can read but also mature books. So, Action Lab has teamed up with Super Real Graphics publisher Jason Martin, who has accepted a position to lead Action Lab’s new mature line of comics known as Action Lab: Danger Zone. Jason Martin will also merge his SR graphics with the new brand, meaning Action Lab now has access to Super Real Graphics comics, which include the cult indie hit Zombie Tramp written by Dan Mendoza. Zombie Tramp was a hit after it came out in late 2010 in graphic novel format and will be getting a new printing and a sequel in 2013.   All of Action Lab’s other titles that are considered to have mature content will be moved to the Action Lab: Danger Zone imprint, like the recent comiXology addition Double Jumpers Zombie Tramp According to Action Lab Entertainment’s President Kevin Freeman said:  "Bringing Jason Martin, and Super Real Graphics, into the Action Lab family is quite the coup… Not only do we get a proven talent in Martin to ply his trade with us, but this move also allows us to look for and publish quality work of all kinds--not just kid-friendly fare.  This lets us expand our horizons, and Action Lab undoubtedly will be better for it."  The creative director of Action Lab Entertainment Dave Dwonch is also excited for the new project, saying:  “I have been a fan of Jason’s SRG brand for many years, and I’m thrilled that he will be extending his talent, positive energy, and dedication to the craft to the Action Lab stable of books.” But Action Lab Entertainment aren’t the only one’s excited. Jason Martin said:  “I’m incredibly excited to take my efforts at showcasing boundary pushing, genre redefining material to an even larger audience with the backing of the talented folks at ALE… I’m as passionate for comics as a person can be, especially the creative and quirky ideas born from creators with a story to tell in this graphic medium, and truly love working with them to share their visions.” Starting the new year off right, Action Lab will be launching several new books in 2013 from new and old talents alike. Some new talent includes the horror graphic novel The Trip, a viral-outbreak survival story called The Rabid and follow the multiple genres explored in the exploits of a boy and his talking kitten in Ehmm Theory.  Work from previously published creators includes Tony Fleecs and Tone Rodriguez’s American Goth Chick, Dave Dwonch and Rob Ruddell’s nuke mythology Ghost Town, and Martin’s Regan-era zombie lovefest Night of the 80’s Undead. Looks like we can look forward to 2013 with these unique titles in mind and will hopefully enjoy them all – both digitally on comiXology and in good old-fashioned print. Action Lab: Danger Zone Imprint 


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About / Bio
An all-around nerdette, I’m a comic book connoisseur, horror aficionado, video game addict, anime enthusiast and an aspiring novelist/comic book writer. I am the head of the comic book department and the editor-in-chief of Entertainment Fuse. I also write and edit articles for Comic Frontline. I am also an intern at Action Lab Entertainment, a comic book publisher at which I edit comic book scripts, help work on images in solicitations and help with other comic book related project. My own personal website is comicmaven.com.

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