Hopoo Games Announces Risk of Rain 2, Teases Alpha Footage
"Retro 8-bit gameplay gets a 3D facelift"
A week ago,
Hopoo Games announced a sequel to their first release,
Risk of Rain. Early teaser footage shows familiar creatures, characters, and abilities making a return with the depth of the Unity engine.
Risk of Rain started as a university project that enjoyed financial backing and further growth from Kickstarter. From there, Chucklefish Games published the official release of the game on November 2013. Since then, it has enjoyed several patches that have given players additional content and multiplayer support. As of April 12, 2016, Code Mystics ported Risk of Rain over to PlayStation 4 to PlayStation Vita.
Risk of Rain combines MOBA mechanics in a PvE platformer with rogue-like difficulty. It featured randomized items that produced minor but crucial adjustments in gameplay for players to survive. Unlike most level-based platformers,
Risk of Rain's difficulty rose with time regardless of player progression. This forced players to manage their time spent on each level. If they delayed for too long, then the difficulty of future levels became impossible to surmount. If they rushed ahead too quickly, then they found themselves ill-prepared for the encounters of each stage.
The initial footage of
Risk of Rain 2 appears to show several key characters, monsters, and gameplay. With the introduction of three-dimensional movement and combat, however, innovative gameplay remains a given.