DC announced on The Source their top ten couples in honor of Justice League #12 coming out, which featured Superman and Wonder Woman first New 52 kiss, which made a lot of hate erupt within the DC fanbase.
So DC answers their new controversial relationship not with an issue as proof (yet), but with a top ten list with their newest couple right at the top. That is the main reason I disagree with this list. The other members of the list are couples that have been around for ages: Harley Quinn and Joker, Green Lantern and Star Sapphire, but these well-established relationships are superseded by DC's latest publicity stunt. Though I think DC readers who say the relationship is impossible are wrong. People have played around with the idea of Superman and Wonder Woman being together before... like Frank Miller.
A relationship between Wonder Woman and Superman could work, but I hate that DC uses the list as a publicity stunt to sacrifice the importance of the romances between other characters who have been together for a lot longer. But of course fans are going to hate it since traditional fans were already screwed over once by Superman and Lois Lane's marriage being erased. This is just adding salt to the wound. Many of the people even commented that Lois should be on the list instead. These comments were usually met by the rationale that Lois has no powers. And yes, technically Harley has had "powers" in the past, so she's an exception... if you squint at her past history in comic books.
The rest of the list isn't much of a stretch, unless DC was only referring to the New 52, it's current re-launch. That would make more sense since their top couple is mostly based on the New 52, but that would also mean their third power couple are currently in a rocky part of their seemingly casual sex buddies relationship and Joker and Harley have not been seeing much of each other since Joker "died." ...and #10 is a bit of a cop-out skating around a real couple, but a funny one. Aquaman and Mera are a great New 52 couple, and it's nice to see some equality with the homosexual couple Midnighter and Apollo included on the list ā which they definitely deserve for more than just that reason. Kind of funny when you consider they were originally supposed to be a satire of Superman and Batman of the DC Universe since they were originally produced by Wildstorm until DC picked them up for the New 52.
Agree or disagree with the list? Someone else you would have added? Speak your mind (and, more importantly, your heart) in the comments.
An all-around nerdette, Iām a comic book connoisseur, horror aficionado, video game addict, anime enthusiast and an aspiring novelist/comic book writer. I am the head of the comic book department and the editor-in-chief of Entertainment Fuse. I also write and edit articles for Comic Frontline. I am also an intern at Action Lab Entertainment, a comic book publisher at which I edit comic book scripts, help work on images in solicitations and help with other comic book related project. My own personal website is comicmaven.com.