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Skyrim: Hearthfire DLC Announced

Bethesda has taken Skyrim fans by suprise, after they unexpectedly revealed the next batch of download content for Skyrim; Hearthfire. As unexpected as this announcement was, the content of the DLC itself is something many Skyrim fans will be surprised by. Going against their original promise of DLC not being as frequently released due to the larger size of the content, Bethesda's Hearthfire is more of an add-on for the Skyrim fanatics out there.

Hearthfire will allow players to purchase land and build your own home from the ground-up. Hearthfire also promises to introduce new features to Skyrim, such as the ability to adopt your own children, and the addition of new work benches such as the drafting table and the carpenter's work bench. Your own house will be completely customizable, dwarfing the choice and size of the original housing upgrades previously available in the game.

Whilst it may not be the next DLC everyone was expecting, it's still pretty cool. If, like me, you struggle with the difficult decision in choosing your permanent place of residence, Hearthfire looks set to change that. If you're an RPG nut who needs to have that sense of 100% feeling of complete customization, Hearthfire will be released on the 4th September for Xbox360. PC and PS3 releases are expected a month later, due to Bethesda's exclusivity deal with Microsoft. You can see more details in the video below



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