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Rockstar Releases New GTA 5 Screenshots

Rockstar has been quiet with Grand Theft Auto V as of late in terms of any new information and an official release window. They recently released new screenshots for the game that feature certain types of vehicles that are now confirmed. The notable shots are a fighter jet roaming around the game's version of Los Angeles and a person riding a bicycle near their take on the Santa Monica Pier. They have said that more pics will be released later this week to tease more fans that are eagerly waiting for the next iteration of the Grand Theft Auto franchise.

Is it time for Rockstar to show off a new trailer that focuses more on the storyline and characters? The first trailer that came out earlier this year established the city and the amount of actvities you can do, but nothing much has been revealed since. With impressive open-ended games like Saints Row: The Third and the recently released Sleeping Dogs, does Rockstar have enough to take back the throne? We will see when Grand Theft Auto V comes out sometime next year for the Playstation 3 and the Xbox 360.

UPDATE - As Rockstar promised, they released more new screenshots of the game today featuring some of its leisure activities like parachuting down a mountain, playing tennis with a neighbor, and dirt bike racing.


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