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Horizon Zero Dawn Delayed to February

"Guerilla's highly anticipated new IP now coming in early 2017"
Horizon-Zero-Dawn-Screenshot It is the week before E3 and the news is coming in today like hot cakes. First off, Guerilla Games put out a new trailer for the highly anticipated PS4 exclusive Horizon Zero Dawn. That trailer can be seen below. One of the big takeaways from the clip above is that the game is delayed to February 28, 2017. Guerrilla wanted to ensure more time and polish went on development, which was the reason for the delay. This is a delay I don't mind dealing with because this is arguably the Playstation 4's biggest exclusive and more time in the oven is a good thing for it to the best it can be. We will probably see new gameplay at Sony's E3 2016 press conference next week, but in the meantime the trailer details more about the main protagonist Aloy. Horizon Zero Dawn now comes out in February 2017. Anyone surprised or not surprised by this delay? Let us know in the comments below.


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