Of all the powers at the disposal of the legendary Dovakiin, none is more powerful than their voice. Now players who have both an Xbox 360 and a Kinect can use their own voice to control Skyrim thanks to an upcoming update. There will be over 200 voice commands that can be shouted at the screen, of course some of them are the words used to trigger the game’s signature “Dragon Shouts”, but players will also be able to issue commands to their followers, equip items, and gather loot all with their voice.
No motion controls have been revealed as of yet, and the voice commands have only been announced for Xbox, even though the PC or PS3 could possibly do the same with ordinary headsets. Bethesda has hinted at yet more content exclusive to the Xbox, including new quests, locations and features. PC and PS3 owners can hope that “Exclusive” just means that it’s exclusive to Xbox for a set time.
It’s due to arrive later this month, but no exact date has been announced. You can see the voice commands in action with the video below, and learn more on Skyrim’s website. Still haven’t tried Skyrim? Check out our review.