This is the first issue I have ever read of Mudman. I have never even heard of the series before I read this issue, but the series looked interesting.
I thought the cover for this issue was pretty good. It was one of the reasons I wanted to read the issue. The concept was great for the cover because it explains a lot of what is going to happen in the issue. The art I thought worked well with the cover also. It is different, but worked well with the main character.
In this issue Owen gets detention with his friend Newt. Owen tells Newt about his mud powers. As they are talking to each other a flying robot comes into the detention room. Newt and Own have to figure out a way to destroy this robot without getting killed.
Even though this was the first issue I have ever read of Mudman I thought they explained Owen’s character very well. We understood why he got his powers and the mystery that is behind it.
The series sets an element of mystery through out the story. Especially because Owen does not know exactly how he got his powers and what it means to have his powers. Can his powers develop more? I think the mystery might make this series interesting for issues to come.
The best part about this issue was the team up between Newt and Owen. I think Newt can help Mudman become a superhero and fight crime. Kind of similar to the tv show Static Shock, when Richie helps Static with his crime fighting.
Though this issue had a lot of great things there were also things that I did not like about this issue. I felt like we did not learn much about Mudman that much in this issue. They should of split the time in this issue between Owen’s story and the mystery of how Mudman got his powers in the other half of the story.
I also felt like this issue might have been way too expensive for the story they gave us. Not much was accomplished and this issue was $3.50.
When I was first reading this issue I was not too crazy about the art because I thought it was kind of cartoony and a little sketchy. But as you read the issue you get use to the art and you can really enjoy it as you read the issue.
Even though this issue had some good things in it I do not think it is worth picking up for the price tag. It was a filler issue and it is too early in the series to have a filler issue. So, I would say skip this issue and maybe wait for the next issue because I do see potential in this series.