The Disgaea series has always been known as a very traditional RPG series that sticks to an aging concept (grid type, turn based battle system), yet does it so well to the point that it holds up against many other, much more ambitious, RPGs. In fact, in a day an age where the traditional RPG is dying in favor of a action RPG (a la Mass Effect or FFXIII), the developer NIS America has stuck to its laurels in making very traditional, yet very strong JRPG games. The only downfall with this is that because NIS specializes and is a much smaller company, they tend to not release as many games as someone like Bioware or Ubisoft. Luckily for fans of the developer though (who own PS3s), the future is looking pretty bright.
As was announced on the PlayStation Blog a few days ago, NISA (NIS America) recently came out and started discussing 3 PS3 exclusive games that will be coming to the United States. They are all mostly RPGs, but the interesting part comes in the fact that The Witch and the Hundred Knights (which is set to release in early 2013), is taking a very different turn in the traditional dealings of NIS, in that it will be adopting a much more action oriented aspect, which should be interesting to see considering what they have been able to do with the traditional formula in the past. The other two games are set to release this year, and are called Legasista (set to release in August of 2012), and Mugen Souls (which is set to release in the fall of 2012). To read the full press release with video and photos of each of the games, check this link.