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‘Captain America 2’ Starts Shooting By Year’s End

Of Marvel's 2011 superhero films, both Captain America: The First Avenger and Thor held equal favor with audiences. In fact, the two did nearly identical box-office business in the States, but because Thor was the bigger global success (maybe because it didn't have the word "America" in the title), Marvel dated and greenlit Thor 2 first, leaving Cap's next solo gig up in the air.

Marvel Studios confirmed both sequels before either hit theaters, and back in September star Chris Evans guessed we wouldn't see Captain America 2 until most likley 2014. Now, the timetable has gotten some more unofficial confirmation from Neil McDonough, who played Dum Dum Dugan in the first film. In an interview with IMDB's Television Blog for his role in FX's series Justified, McDonough dropped that he's confirmed for a second film and that it should begin shooting after production wraps on Thor 2:

"Yeah, they’re planning (to go into production for) Captain America 2 for the end of this year, because Marvel does one film at a time. So they’re going to do Thor 2 and as soon as Thor has wrapped, they’ll do Cap 2. Hopefully right after that, we’ll jump into Nick Fury because that’s the one I’m looking forward to more than anything."

Before year's end would be an optimistic projection, because Marvel has two films to shoot this year: Iron Man 3, which opens May 3, 2013, and then Thor 2 on November 15, 2013. Iron Man 3, which will be written and directed by Shane Black, has yet to even begin casting, so that won't likely wrap until this summer, leaving the fall for Thor 2. A more realistic date for cameras to roll on "Cap 2" would be January 2013.

As for the Nick Fury bit, McDonough mentions in the comics that Dugan is Fury's right-hand man, so he expects to be in that film if it gets made. He's also friendly with Samuel L. Jackson. Based on what Jackson and Marvel have said, expect a S.H.I.E.L.D. movie instead, especially if The Avengers is the box-office smash most are predicting.

McDonough's involvement in Captain America 2 does raise questions about what time period the film will be set in, as Dum Dum Dugan doesn't get frozen at the end of the first film. As for when we might see Captain America 2, the studio does have reservations marked down for May 16, 2014 as well as June 27, 2014


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