As the JLI heads towards the final chapter of "The Signal Men," the story is starting to get an epic feel and the dialogue is sometimes witty, but multiple clichés, and a boring storyline make this issue the weakest yet in the Justice League Internationalseries.The JLI have been captured and finally come face-to-face with the leader of the Signal Men: Peraxxus, who has big plans for the Earth – and none of them involve a happy ending for our heroes.The biggest problem with this issue is the villain. Writer Dan Jurgens has not created a villain; he has created a carbon-copy of Marvel's villain Galactus. Not only does be look similar to Galactus, but Peraxxus plans on taking everything he can from Earth and then destroying it. Galactus, "Destroyer of Planets," ring a bell? Peraxxus's methods for destroying the Earth and his plan to savage resources may not be an exact copy of Galactus's, but Perxxus is so obviously related to Marvel's character that I'm surprised they have not filed suit for copyright infringement.The other problem with Peraxxus is that he is extremely boring. All he does throughout the entire issue is monologue about what he is planning on doing to the planet. But Peraxxus manages to accomplish the same feat as Galactus: he has created an epic "end of the world" feel that the series has never had by the end of the issue, despite the sometimes quirky humor that is thrown in, which seems to be trying to alleviate the tension in the situation, which was not necessary.The dialogue between the JLI is much more interesting than Peraxxus, but is still not as fun as it is trying so hard to be. Booster's constantly trying to crack a one-liner, which rarely works in this issue. Surprisingly, a very clichéd scene between Godiva and Batman is very funny and, for once, made me enjoy Godiva. She serves more of a purpose in this issue than just being irritated. Her powers, which involve the ability to control her hair, fits her egotistical personality and are unique, if odd.Again, the dialogue between the team is not balanced. The series is at its best when every member of the team gets a similar amount of time to speak so we can see the conflicting personalities, but in this issue mostly Booster, Batman, and Guy are talking while the rest of the team are easily overshadowed.Aaron Lopresti's artwork is still solid. The characters' expressions are great and the colors make their eyes become very prominent, especially Guy Gardner's emerald green eyes. Each character's face is drawn well with vivid expressions that help add to the humorous moments. The best scene is a full-page of the entire team getting ready to fight. Seeing the team together was great, with a wonderful mix of dull and bright colors.This issue has a lot of problems: The dialogue between characters is imbalanced, the storyline is boring (despite it starting to get an epic feel), the attempts at humor are mostly more forced than funny, and the villain's copyright is questionable. This is the weakest point of the series, and another issue like it could be the end for the JLI.
An all-around nerdette, I’m a comic book connoisseur, horror aficionado, video game addict, anime enthusiast and an aspiring novelist/comic book writer. I am the head of the comic book department and the editor-in-chief of Entertainment Fuse. I also write and edit articles for Comic Frontline. I am also an intern at Action Lab Entertainment, a comic book publisher at which I edit comic book scripts, help work on images in solicitations and help with other comic book related project. My own personal website is