In case you've forgotten, as you've likely been lost in the realm of Skyrim, this game called Battlefield 3 came out. Well the first DLC pack, Back to Karkand, is coming out and EA has been kind of enough to give us a little sneak peak with a brand new trailer.
The DLC pack features multiplayer maps from Battlefield 2 re-imagined using the new Frostbite 2 engine. The new trailer shows off the Gulf of Oman map and showcases the return of some vehicles that may be familiar for veteran players, the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter and desert buggy. There's also a brand new vehicle in the video. See if you can find it, it's right around the 1:02 mark.
As an aside, Battlefield 3 has reportedly been banned in Iran. Although the game is not officially for sale, retailers have had their pirated copies of the game confiscated and some store owners have reportedly been arrested. EA has responded to this story saying, "In that Battlefield 3 is not available for purchase in Iran, we can only hope the ban will help prevent pirated copies reaching consumers there."