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Zenescope Launches Two New Mini-Series

This week Zenescope announced two new mini series for 2015 which are Grimm Fairy Tales: The White Queen and Grimm Fairy Tales: The Little Mermaid. Meredith Finch (Wonder Woman, Tales of Terror) will be writing The Little Mermaid mini-series. David Finch will be one of the cover artists and Ivan Nunes (Grimm Fairy Tales) will be the colorist for the series. TheLittleMermaidB Erica first appeared in Grimm Fairy Tales: Myths and Legends and this mini series will continue her adventures after the events of Myths and Legends. The writer for the White Queen mini-series will be Troy Brownfield (Grimm Fairy Tales: Myths and Legends). The artists will be Luca Claretti (Neverland Age of Darkness). The White Queen wants peace in Wonderland, but the Dark Queen will try to prevent this. WhiteQueenC Are you guys excited for these two Zenescope titles? Tell us in the comments below!


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