Turn off the Lights

Catwoman #1 – Review

Catwoman is back and sexier than ever. Unfortunately, she couldn't bring a thrilling storyline or personal narrative along with her for this somewhat bland romp through Gotham City that ends with something that would fit nicely on Skinemax. The art and colors are some of the more enjoyable aspects of this issue. Catwoman's night starts out fine – a couple of guys barge into her apartment to find something while she runs away, ready to go back in the morning to collect all her stuff... until an explosion goes off in her apartment and she has to find a new place with some help from her friend, a former show girl by the name of Lola. DC Comics: Catwoman #1 (2011) written by Judd Winick and drawn by Guillem MarchJudd Winick wasn't kidding when he said this Catwoman would be sexier. That's not a bad thing – she has always been a bad kitty. Unlike Starfire, whose character in Red Hood and the Outlaws was completely changed into a very sexualized female going against her character, Selina is still very much in character, but her narrative is lacking. Her inner monologue is short and what some readers may call sweet – especially considering how long comic book characters' inner monologues can sometimes be. But Catwoman's thoughts felt too short and sweet with a lot of metaphors thrown in that had the same impact as one-liners. The actual story also has little to offer. Selina loses her apartment, but mentions a panel later that she has lost her home before. You would need to have read Catwoman's previous series before to really understand why her apartment blowing up is still such a big deal for her. It might sound bad on paper, but the reference to losing another home in a similar way takes some of the impact away from the reader. The rest of the story feels standard and not new as Selina infiltrates a bar in disguise to gather Intel. The best moment is when Selina sees a not-so-friendly familiar face and quickly pummels him. The action scenes are good and do prove how much of a badass Selina can be. A surprise guest makes an appearance at the end and I almost wish he hadn't. He and Selina share an intimate and sexual moment that almost crosses over into porn but cuts off before any of the "good stuff." It definitely goes with Winick's sexier image of Catwoman, but doesn't fit with the other character. It also almost makes Selina seem weak since she states herself that she "needs" this man. This needy Selina is not as interesting as the badass before her. And the two are in the very same issue! It sometimes feels like Selina is going through tremendous mood swings and needs a better rhythm. The art from Guillem March's range is great - Selina is definitely sexy, which we can tell right from page one, without the comic crossing over into "slutty" territory. That's what is good about the comic – it doesn't cross the thin line between sexy and slutty – though comes close at the end. The colors are also great. When Selina is pummeling her enemy there is a palette swap to go along with the darker mood that is enjoyable and really highlights the moment. Catwoman feels bland at times, especially with Selina's lacking narrative and the sub-par story. There are some good moments and never "slutty" ones, but Catwoman still has failed to really entertain me. She feels like a mood swinging teenager at times and could use a better revamp. It definitely does not stand out in the pack.


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An all-around nerdette, I’m a comic book connoisseur, horror aficionado, video game addict, anime enthusiast and an aspiring novelist/comic book writer. I am the head of the comic book department and the editor-in-chief of Entertainment Fuse. I also write and edit articles for Comic Frontline. I am also an intern at Action Lab Entertainment, a comic book publisher at which I edit comic book scripts, help work on images in solicitations and help with other comic book related project. My own personal website is comicmaven.com.

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