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Triad Wars is a Free-to-Play, PC Only, Sleeping Dogs Spinoff

United Front, developers of Sleeping Dogs, have announced a new online free-to-play game called Triad Wars. Triad Wars will be set in the world of Sleeping Dogs. A video was released which shows some early gameplay footage and explains what the game is and why United Front decided to make it.

Triad Wars will be set in Hong Kong, just like Sleeping Dogs. The game will let you create your own character and rise up the ranks of the Triads. Eventually, you can have your own "turf" and will be able to defend it or attack other's "turf." Triad Wars will use the same engine as Sleeping Dogs, and watching the video it seems to be using the same mechanics of Sleeping Dogs. United Front explained that they finished Sleeping Dogs and wondered what they could do with this large city they had made. They decided to create Triad Wars.
There will be a closed beta, which you can sign up for at the Triad Wars website. Triad Wars will be free to play and will be released only on PC. No word yet on a possible console release or when the game will come out. October 2014, next month, Sleeping Dogs will be rereleased on PS4 and Xbox One.


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