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Chloe Grace Moretz Says Kick-Ass 3 Probably Won’t Happen

"Time to hang up the throwing knives?"
There's a bit of a divide in opinions on Kick-Ass 2. Some, like myself, think it as good as the first. Some of us prefer to forget it. For that latter group, it may be getting easier to do just that. In an interview with Digital Spy, Hit-Girl herself revealed that she does not think she will ever be donning the purple gear again:
“Sadly, I think I’m done with the character,” Moretz said. “Hit-Girl was a very cool character, but I don’t think there will be any more movies. You make these movies for the fanboys, but nowadays everyone seems to pirate them rather than watch them in the movie theater.” Kick-Ass 2 was one of the number-one pirated movies of the year, but that doesn’t help us because we need box office figures. We need to prove to the distributors that we can make money from a third and a fourth movie—but because it didn’t do so well, we can’t make another one. If you want more than one movie, everyone has to go and see movies at the cinema. It’s all about the numbers in the theater.”
Hit-Girl-and-Kick-Ass The pirating of films online as a detriment to box office gross is especially apt, and has not stopped since Kick-Ass 2 released last year, given the recent leaking scandal of The Expendables 3. Although other factors easily could have been in play, such as poor word of mouth among fanboys, tepid reception, or the jaded late-summer crowd of filmgoers looking for comedies like We're The Millers over another super-hero action flick. Either way, Moretz is looking forward, not back. She's currently starring in If I Stay, has a role alongside Denzel Washington and Melissa Leo in the buzzy The Equalizer, is getting her own Hunger Games style film with a starring role in The Fifth Wave, and even has her own view on the current state of female superheroes:
“Whenever there’s a female superhero, it’s always a more sexual plotline rather than seeing an actual character on screen,” she said. “I don’t think that’s cool. I think it’s rather sad.”  “I would love to change that. Hopefully, there will be some cool female superhero movies in the future. I hear there’s a Wonder Woman movie coming up. Hopefully they won’t sexualize Wonder Woman, too.”
I wouldn't hold your breath too long on that one, Chloë. If I Stay is in theaters now (and it's not half bad), and The Equalizer opens wide September 26, 2014.


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