Patrick Stewart made his debut for the first time at Comic-Con Saturday in Hall H as part of the cast of the upcoming animated film Dorothy of Oz. The film begins with Dorothy returning to Kansas to find it devastated by a tornado. She is quickly transported back to Oz, where her help is needed to find her former traveling companions. The film also stars Jim Belushi voicing the Lion, Dan Aykroyd as the Scarecrow and Kelsey Grammer as the Tin Man. The album will feature performances by Megan Hilty, Hugh Dancy and Martin Short. Lea Michele voices Dorothy, but was unable to make her appearance at the panel.
Fans, led by Megan Hilty, sang "Happy Birthday" to voice co-star Patrick Stewart at the opening of the panel. The highlight of the event was a lewd fan asking the veteran actor to have sex with him. The actor sat in silence at the question. The movie will debut in 2012.