Time Bomb begins beneath the streets of modern day Berlin, where archeologists accidently activate the Omega Bomb, Hitler's ultimate doomsday weapon designed to wipe out the human race. Now, equipped with state-of-the-art weapons and equipment, a group of specialists must travel one day back through time to stop the bomb from ever going off. However, they quickly discover that rather than going back as intended, they've been sent back into the heart of Germany, in the midst of World War II. Now it's up to them to save the human race on a ticking clock before the bomb is even set and in the backdrop of war.
"Having Jimmy and Justin onboard for Time Bomb is a real pleasure," said Radical President and Publisher Barry Levine. "They've got a great reputation in the industry for delivering a great mix of action, adventure and tongue-in-cheek humor, no matter what genre they are working on. Radical Publishing is proud to feature Time Bomb in our catalog."
Time Bomb #1 is the first of a three-issue miniseries and is listed in the May 2010 edition of Diamond Previews, shipping July 2010. Time Bomb #1 is 56-page comic retailing for $4.99.
Fans are encouraged to visit the Radical Publishing website at www.radicalpublishing.com for more information.