After the disaster that was Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's multiplayer, a lot of PC gamers are being cautious regarding the next game in the series, Modern Warfare 3. Despite the last game, Black Ops, featuring dedicated server support, initial leaks about Modern Warfare 3 stated that the PC Versions multiplayer would not include any dedicated server support.
Shortly following the negative response to this news, Infinity Ward's Creative Strategist Robert Bowling said in an interview with Gamefront that Infinity Ward are "having conversations about dedicated servers, mod tools and post launch support". While nothing has been officially announced, if Infinity Ward did bring back dedicated servers it would go a long way towards regaining the reputation amongst PC gamers that the company had back when it released the first Modern Warfare game.
Bowling also claims that the original plan with Modern Warfare 2 was to start out with matchmaking and implement dedicated servers after the fact. Whether this news of dedicated servers is just a response to the huge push towards PC gamers that EA and DICE are making for Battlefield 3 or a real attempt to bring back PC gamers who have left the Call of Duty franchise behind is unclear but it will be interesting to see if PC gamers do return to Activision's big franchise if dedicated servers are announced.