It was a big surprise to see the 3DS launch without the obligatory Nintendo lineup of revamped classics. No Mario Kart 3D? No Super Mario Brothers 3D? No Link, Zelda, Pikachu, or Metroid? Inconceivable! But don't worry, just as you're getting bored of Super Street Fighter IV, Nintendo has announced the inevitable titles you've been waiting for.
Trailers are out for Zelda Ocarina of Time, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Kid Icarus, Luigi's Mansion, Starfox, Mario & Sonic Olympics, and Super Mario 3D. Looking darned close to their Wii counterparts, and easily matching Gamecube installments, the stream of flagship franchises should do away with the buyer's remorse early adopters might have felt.
Other games by third party developers also received new trailers at E3, including the hot ticket Resident Evil games; Mercenaries and Revelations. Impressively resembling a full console version, these are something to keep an eye on.
All of this follows on the heels of the new System Update that was released earlier this week. It adds in a Web Browser and access to the e-store, along with a free copy of Excitebike. Check back with us for reviews of the individual games as they release.