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Dracula: The Company of Monsters #10 – Review

Dracula: The Company of Monsters #10 decides to dance through several time periods within the comic's universe, and most of them are pretty dull, matching the mostly flat artwork. After a promising ninth issue (and I can feel the hate mail coming my way for saying this), Kurt Busiek’s latest issue may have some pretty cool moments – but not enough to measure up to my expectations, instead managing to irritate me. The story picks up from the beginning of the last issue with Evan and Dracula torturing Conrad.  There’s a flashback explaining more about Dracula’s dark past and events revolving around Evan, and how he devised the plan to trick not only Conrad but Dracula, leading up to the final confrontations between two groups of bloodthirsty vampires and a group of slayers. Boom! Studios presents Dracula: The Company of Monsters #10 from the mind of Kurt Busiek.This modern spin on Dracula comes from the mind of Kurt Busiek, was written by Daryl Gregory, and has many flaws.  My major problem with this issue is its fluidity with time. We start with “Today” and by the end of the issue have gone back and forth through time, exploring origins and the actual storyline, about eight times.  EIGHT times!  It made the story feel too packed with so many other side stories: Evan’s father and Dracula, which are both relevant to the story, and then a little background from Marta’s past which was interesting, but not as relevant.  When it stopped flipping back and forth through time the story began picking up its pace and started to interest me.  Then it ended as quickly as it started. This issue has made me realize it could have replaced the last, and still half of the events in this issue could have been omitted completely. The last issue was enjoyable. It flashed back from the same event that started this issue and talked about Evan’s travels.  This issue follows the same exact formula, starting with a similar scene and flashbacks not only again, but a lot.  The end of the issue seems to want to build suspense, but by starting with an ending that still has not been shown for two issues despite various continuity jumps, we will not be surprised, when that event finally comes up, to find it was already shown to us. There was also only one major fight scene between Evan and the vampire Torrence.  It was very well put together, but brazenly flaunted the amount of exposition there was in this issue versus the fighting I had expected.  After so many issues giving us exposition on Dracula and Evan’s father, we did not need any more and are ready to see the major fight between Conrad and Dracula.  This issue just drags the conflict out even longer.  The art from Damian Couceiro also drags on in this issue.  The imagery is mostly flat with only two scenes that were done very well and neither was too breathtaking.  The subtle uses of color done by Stephen Downer were, however, a nice touch, always adding something to the artwork.  Sometimes the vampires are shown with blood red eyes which are shrouded by shadows and this makes them look rather threatening. Dracula’s entire design is also great.  His blood red tie really stands out from his black suit and it was a nice subtle touch that the rest of the issue could have used.  The newest issue of Dracula: The Company of Monsters annoyed me to no end.  It followed the same formula from the last issue and could have replaced it completely with some alterations.  After several issues spent hearing about the final battle between Conrad and Dracula, we are all ready to see it and this issue feels like it is just dragging it out.  The actual writing (when not flipping between different times) is solid, and the story was getting better towards the end – but it could have ended with the beginning of the issue, so there is no excuse to have any more moments leading up to Evan’s inevitable betrayal of Conrad. The art was also pretty flat and only had the benefit of being sometimes, but not often enough, accented well by the colors.  But this issue was still an irritating mess that will unfortunately still be necessary for serious fans of the series, if only for them see what they missed in time for the next issue – which, hopefully, will be a lot better than this one. Overall - 5.5/10 *It's a comic, it has colors, art and pages; it's not good but it's not really bad. About 85% books out there.* For other reviews of the Dracula: The Company of Monsters series, check out the links below! Dracula: The Company of Monsters #1 Dracula: The Company of Monsters #7 Dracula: The Company of Monster #8 And if your look for more vampire titles to sink your teeth into, check out our reviews of Shinku #1 and Undying Love #2.  


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An all-around nerdette, I’m a comic book connoisseur, horror aficionado, video game addict, anime enthusiast and an aspiring novelist/comic book writer. I am the head of the comic book department and the editor-in-chief of Entertainment Fuse. I also write and edit articles for Comic Frontline. I am also an intern at Action Lab Entertainment, a comic book publisher at which I edit comic book scripts, help work on images in solicitations and help with other comic book related project. My own personal website is comicmaven.com.

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