Turn off the Lights

Earth to Echo: The E.T. For A New Generation?

Relativity Media recently released the first teaser trailer for a new film called Earth to Echo, which is the feature length directorial debut of filmmaker Dave Green. The expertly crafted trailer doesn't show much, but we do get that a group of young friends discover something that has fallen from the sky and choose to document their find with a camera suggesting the found footage elements from films like Chronicle or Super 8


That the kids are so young, along with the sounds of the found creature, gives the trailer the tone similar in spirit to the old live-action family films like Spielberg's ET. What do you all think? Earth to Echo is set to be released on April 25, 2014. View the trailer here: Earth to Echo Official Teaser


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About / Bio
Steven Armstrong is an editor and staff writer for Entertainment Fuse's Movie Department. He also is a creative writer of fiction and poetry, an occasional filmmaker and electronic musician who enjoys reading, writing, video games, movies and any good story.

Should you be curious, he can also be found talking about movies for the Center 4 Cinephiles (C4C) on YouTube.

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