Shocking! Disgusting! Meet the most dangerous twin girls in the universe! Their record of wrong doings, on purpose or not, will raise your hair on end. A darkly subversive collection of cynical comics gags that is sweeping Europe. Nothing is sacred for these two lil’ monsters! South Park meets Monty Python.
81/2 x 6, 96pp., full color hardcover; $14.99, ISBN 978-1-56163-604-4
These two young girls are so just plain bad you’ll be snickering uncontrolably. We admit to being so hooked we’ve got this festooning our site right now. Our home page features a new strip every week, the author Nix has been busy posting strips and general looniness on the blog… Check it all out and tell us if we’re right or just gone plain off our gourds.
It Could Happen to You, Vol. 1
Another outstanding Spanish artist from Kiss Magazine presents everyday situations gone very very lubricious. Suddenly a guy gets lucky with… a neighbor, a client, a horny woman wanting sex NOW! Fetchingly rendered by Mapp. You’ll love his hot wanton women.
81/2 x 11, 48pp., full color trade pb., $11.99, ISBN 978-1-56163-607-5
Head on over to the Eurotica part of our site to click through to the previews. See the latest full color Sizzle #49, about to hit newstands and stores for a preview as well!