Full UMVC3 Roster Uncovered
daSars | Uncategorized | July 22, 2011
Even though the game was only announced this morning, all twelve of the new characters to feature in
Ultimate Marvel Vs Capcom 3 have already been revealed. The information was discovered via art assets that were found on Capcom’s own press site with no evidence that they was any attempt to really hide them at all. The new characters are listed below.
Frank West
Phoenix Wright
Marvel:Ghost Rider
Dr. Strange
Rocket Raccoon
Iron Fist
Personally, I am a little unsure over the whole idea of a brand new disc- only released for MVC3. Capcom claims that it will contain more than enough content to justify a full retail release, but for someone who didn't really get into MVC3 the way I thought I would have, releasing all this as DLC probably would have convinced me to buy it. Now I am uncertain, if UMVC3 will be full price. Although it does have Nemesis and Vergil in its favour, this is balanced out equally in the stupidity of Phoenix Wright, and where, may I ask, is M. Bison? Get on it Capcom.